Saturday, February 12, 2022

Exhaustion (Thurs)

I'm off! I just feel off. You ever have that where you aren't sad and you aren't happy... you're just mellow? Then everyone asks what's wrong and honestly nothing is wrong, you just feel off? Yea, that's the day. And it's probably because my throat hurts even more today and the right ear is starting to throb again. Everything that I've researched says if there is ear pain then it most likely is a bacterial infection. If that's the case, then I will HAVE to go to the doctor to get it healed. 

Just. Need. More. Sunlight. Then everything will be better...

Off to work. What a fun day. But apparently I made a few mistakes. :( I'm not going to count them as mistakes because I genuinely didn't know. And nothing was broken that can't be fixed. But I WILL do better next time. And I got a compliment from my trainer. MARK IT ON THE CALENDAR, I GOT A COMPLIMENT! It was so small. But you don't understand. This is a BIG DEAL. And it means a lot. So I'm taking it and running with it.

Rest of the night was fun. And I actually went to dinner with the guys. They all made me take dinner break with them. Oh. My. Goodness. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. They are so funny. I'm telling you, there is nothing better than working with guys and no drama! I love the atmosphere working with men. No nonsense, get the job done, and have a good time in the process while making a positive difference in the industry we work in- medical. 

And on that note, Nyquil actually worked. Nyquil again and off to bed.


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