It has been a long time since working around individuals that inspire. One person on my team has already written a book (AF). Another team member has started a graphic design school (MS). Another member owns his own photography business (GB). Another person is exceptional at web design and IT (JT). And the other individual has been with the company for 23+ years and is practically a CEO (point-taken: super high up, decision maker, knows everything about the company, gets things done, and incredibly nice) (MW). These are my current team members. All these individuals work a full-time job WITH hobbies on the side. So, let me ask...
What about me?
Previous bosses (that were my favorites): still in charge of managing a department (BP), another is a GM (FC), and the other three are all part of Corporate (BC, KW, DK) with different companies but really high up in the rankings making big decisions. I wish I knew about my other favorite (JW) but I'm sure he's doing great things as well! (I bet FC would know.)
So, let me ask again... what about me???
Ok... on a serious note I'm more-so asking the "what about me?" this last time to be funny. But it still merits a valid point.
For the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I'm working my dream job with a dream team! There's no where else I'd rather be. I bought a house (that is yellow: my childhood fantasy, I realized that waaay later on... and it's a cottage/cozy type house) with the coolest neighbors who watch out for me. I'm getting close to family again and have wonderful pets. I'm cleaning house personally regarding real friends vs. acquaintances. And I'm no longer injured from previous jobs. I'd say these are big accomplishments all on their own for the year 2022.
It's time to start LOVING MYSELF, ACCEPTING myself exactly as I am, providing self-care, and moving forward!
What have I accomplished in the past that I'm proud of? I've run my own music studio for just shy of a decade. I've raced 5ks, 10ks, and triathlons. Multiple jobs have been held at a time (granted, I no longer wish to do so). I've cared for people and given my best to help others (to my detriment sometimes). I've had a positive attitude while my body was failing (health issues) as I continued to press forward. I survived bullying in the workforce multiple times. I've performed a piano solo on a public stage. Oh yea, I bought a house in the past, by myself, and then sold it. I've held a writing job YEARS AGO, but that doesn't matter because I DID IT (that was my dream job in my 20s- until I realized that dream job was a hobby that turned into a nightmare- because it stripped all the fun out of writing). Ok, I guess I'm not too shabby either compared to previous managers and current team members that I highly respect.
It is said: "who you associate with is what you become."
That's why it is soooo very important to associate with people admired and respected. Why? (Regarding me) Because you all are about to drop your jaw when you see exactly who I am becoming in 2023. (I'll finally be accomplished right along with everyone else I work with and respect.)
Tomorrow is Thursday December 1, 2022. Are you superstitious? Don't forget to say "rabbit rabbit" as the VERY FIRST THING out of your mouth when you wake up; it's supposed to bring good luck for the month.
Also, it's a great time to celebrate! Why? For me, I've reached so many victories as of late. 90 days at my current job. Made it to 12/1/22 (the roughest time ever from 8/1-12/1). My foot and spine injuries are healing. Coaches and mentors set-in-place to reach some lofty goals. Met a few new friends recently (BOD: BB, KS. SCA: KT, ST. BSL: SK-S. PT: JN, RA, KB). I've learned how to accept help even when asking for help was incredibly difficult. And all I have left to unpack from the major move in August is a closet (it WILL be completed this weekend; you don't understand, I've been attempting to clean this closet for 2 weeks, but last week I felt like building a puzzle- which is an accomplishment in itself because I'm learning to relax and allow for me-time). Honestly, I can't believe I survived. These were ALL huge feats if you understood all the individual details around each event. Trust me when I say "it's a lot", oh my goodness it was A LOT. I like to think I can tackle the world and be Wonder Woman. Instead, I learned sometimes we have to be realistic, think positive, push through the good and bad times, and stay strong. Because even if it's only one step/ one accomplishment we make, that's still one step more than we made earlier in the day or from the prior day.
Tomorrow will be time to write about a vision board and what is expected with the blog. Technically, I think vision boards are dumb. I know what I plan to do in my mind. But maybe it's time to put it out there to ensure it becomes a complete reality this time. And as for this blog, if you choose to read it, great; if you choose not too, great. What I do hope is that I provide consistency for a year (writing) and inspire others through my journey (more details to come later) if you choose to tag along. There are going to be some major challenges. So let's do this and see/produce/experience some positive results in our daily life.
My goals may not be the same as yours, but I'd still love to hear about your goals too. What are some personal goals you hope to accomplish? What are some hardships you've experienced? Maybe we can use techniques together to apply that will aid in achieving our successes. We live, we learn together. We stay strong. We enjoy the present day and remain hopeful for the next.
Remember: BE KIND TO YOURSELF! When you wake up, think (at least) one nice positive thought about yourself and hold onto that throughout the day and be proud.
Blessings & Good Night.