Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday Blues

There is nothing like waking up and having everything go to hell in a hand basket. Apparently I made a mistake on Friday delaying parts (even though they weren't marked as high priority). Haven't had health insurance in a month and when I called asking where the card was it was NEVER mailed. (so now it should be coming) Called the doctors to update them with my health insurance information only to find out I don't have enough information. (will when I have the card) The medicine I need, I now have to start all over again because I've been without health insurance for too long (great, nothing like starting over). I parked in the wrong parking place last night and caused difficulties for the other person living near (he doesn't usually come home until Monday night). And I need a new pair of work shoes that aren't in stock (high price for something I'm not fond of as a replacement). WHEN DO THINGS GET BETTER???

I care.

I try.

I do my very best.

Instead, I just look like an incompetent idiot as of late. I'm really not!!! But it sure doesn't look that way. EVERYTHING I touch is difficult. NOTHING is easy. I'd say it's a phase of the moon but for two months... this is getting old!

Well, I've gotta get going. At least I had a blanket that kept me warm last night (bought a new fuzzy blanket yesterday evening). And I at least made phone calls I set out to make in the morning. And I read my daily devotional. And the trash is taken out. I'm trying to be positive... so a few things were done. I just hope the rest of the day gets a little better. I still have a ton of work to do when I get home tonight.

Sunlight. Sunlight and positivity would be nice to help improve the day.


Sunday, February 13, 2022

Sunday Funday

I managed to wake up late again. Who does that??? To be honest, I couldn't fall asleep until almost 3am. Honestly, just about the time I was about to sleep around 12:30am suddenly the phone chirped. Then my mind started racing, and I had a great meditation with God. But because going to sleep late occurred then suddenly that pushed back the time to wake up.

Woke up around 11:30am.

Took care of business until 2pm. (one example: ordering a new license plate... ugh!) 

Church meeting 2pm- 3:30pm. (love this group) It was all about making sure to use your natural gifts and become part of "service" at church. Make sure to "serve" the church in the ways you are able too. For example: help in the tech department, sing in the choir, help in the kitchen, create special groups, launch a community project, you get the idea. Inspiring! I know for me, I don't have a lot of time, but baby steps I can be part of the group in my own way. 

After that, finished putting laundry away and had a great conversation with my mom. I tell you, my mom is one special lady. I love her dearly. And I can't thank her enough for all the help she's provided over the years. I do try to spoil her when I can, but I think she spoils me more. All the same, I love her and am very grateful.

Then, I forced myself to go out. Have you heard the term "the cupboards are bare?" That does not do justice to what my cupboards look like. I HAD to go grocery shopping today. Uggghhhhh!!!!!! Gas. (check) Tax documents delivered. (check) Lunch break. (check) Medicine run. (check) Grocery shop. (check... after 2 hours later) Car unloaded and groceries put away. (check) I now sit in my comfy blanket staying warm, writing a short little snip-it about the day, and I'm proud of the progress.

Don't forget, today was SuperBowl Sunday: Rams vs. Bangles. I was rooting for the Bangles. Booo... they just couldn't get it together. I believe the final score was 23-20. 

Regarding the rest of the evening, sadly not accomplished: fish tank is not cleaned yet. Didn't finish self-care work. I haven't finished exercising. I haven't washed dishes. Haven't paid a few bills. And I haven't started studying yet. These are all big no-nos. See, I take care of some positive things while others aren't completed.

I'd like to push through to accomplish everything but it's been cold today. My right ear is popping, my left ear is in pain, and I have drainage. Seriously... HOW DOES THIS COLD/RESPIRATORY INFECTION NOT GO AWAY?!? I need to be healthy!!!! I love the snow but this cold in the air is getting old. 

Not sure how I'll finish the night. I want to be more productive. I'm not giving up yet. So, enjoy the night. Stay positive. And I'll be doing my thing- whatever that may be tonight.


Saturday, February 12, 2022

Happiness... with a hint of motivation

I don't believe it. I woke up HAPPY AND HEALTHY today. Has something changed? Did something happen I'm unaware of? How have I been sick for half the week and I suddenly feel good??? At this point, I'll take it. Sun is shining and it's time to be productive. 

Woke up and got a shower. Next, washed all the bedding. Accidentally watched another Netflix show that is a series (I was looking for a movie) and turned on "Inventing Anna." Do you remember this story? Dude, it's based on a true story. I remember this all over the media and newspapers back in the day and here it is in television format. It's produced by Shondaland; gotta give it to Shonda, she's a good writer and producer. Anyway, looking for another show? Check it out! I had it on while I was putting laundry away and making the bed. And sadly, when the night sky came up, my energy level disappeared. Made sure to work on my church-group project, reading my devotional and bible, and meditating. 

And here we are. I'm back to writing. 

My problem with today, or maybe I should say my frustration: I can write and catch up, but it's not the same as doing it daily. Same thing with exercise. You can catch up on your workouts but it's not the same as doing it everyday. I had a personal trainer emphasize the importance of this to me years ago. I didn't fully understand WHY it was so important daily, but I'm starting to understand the importance now- especially when you want to build and continue to improve upon that skill that is being honed. 

My screenplay I'm going to write about (I finally decided) will be called "Finding Me." In a world where we try to fit in, or make sure we're following rules, or we want to be accepted by certain people and/or groups, sometimes that's not the right thing for everyone. There have been so many changes that I've gone through this past year. I'm not the same person I used to be. I struggle with isolation, and I'm a social individual. Yet, at the same time, I'd rather be isolated than be with people who don't truly value me or want to know the real me. I have goals I need to achieve. That's why I need to start doing them daily, not weekly. And if I'm isolated, with me, working on my goals, that's gotta be better than being forced to be around people that don't truly accept me or have me doing things that aren't truly enjoyed. Just, working on goals on your own is great, but sometimes it would be nice to have a support system too. I don't have that for anything- haven't had it in a long time.

The other thing I'm frustrated with is everything is based on looks. I'm pretty. But I lost my edge that makes me pretty (at least that's my opinion). I'm 5'3, blonde, blue eyes, athletic, independent, intelligent, funny sense-of-humor, musically inclined, love helping and relating to people. But I got, how do you say it... pudgy. All my weight is in my stomach. From years sitting in a high-stressed office setting, then having health issues with unbalanced hormones, and then that thing called life, I'm stuck at a certain weight. So I'm not my ideal 5'3, blonde, 150lbs, solid muscle build anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty. But you get a lot farther in life when you are beautiful. Things just happen for you that don't for others when you are deemed beautiful (I should know; I've experienced that side of life in the past too). And obviously, if I'm bringing it up, something has happened as of recent that has brought this to the forefront to make me talk about it. I'm just frustrated lately. I wish I was truly accepted and appreciated for me. But I also wish I had a support group too. For example, going on short daily runs or studying with someone makes it all the more enjoyable. Sadly, my looks don't match the person I feel like internally. So finding people to relate to is difficult, because especially when meeting people in the beginning stages, everything is usually based on looks.

Spending time with my animals and God today is important. My animals don't see me much because I work more than I used to- and away from the home now. And as for God, he hasn't been at the forefront for about the last four weeks because of work and exhaustion. No excuses. Just reality. So I'm trying to be better. He keeps me grounded and positive. Lately, as you can tell, I feel like I'm emotionally spinning out of control a little. I'm mad I'm not accomplishing what matters to me most. There is always something that arises and I just can't get done what I want to get accomplished. 

And I'm learning I need to be more grateful for everything I have in life. Everyone has there own set of priorities. Everyone reaches different goals in life, at different times, and at different ages in their life. In my case, I've always been a little bit slower than the rest; I always seem to be a late bloomer with everything. (unless it's work) Although, even my career I've had to start over. I feel like I'm a little older than most without the living experiences. For example, I've never been married, I don't have kids, I've never truly been in love, I'm struggling with where I want to be professionally in my career, I've moved back to my hometown (honestly NEVER saw that one happening), and I'm trying to become healthy and athletic again (I want to be able to run miles by this summer again), and I'd like to start playing the piano again too. I'd also like to finish this screenplay. And somehow I think I can become an engineer. This will be interesting! Because I'm a creative trying to become logical. If you know me... this IS funny! I'm just struggling finding people who can actually relate to what I'm going through. I'm different, I think differently, I always have, and I hate going against the crowd; I don't fit in, I stand out, and sometimes standing out is frustrating. That's why I feel I have a story to tell that just might help others- if they are going through something similar to what I am experiencing. I know I sound busy, but if someone is important to me, I'm not as busy as I sound because I will make time. And as for being different, I was always told growing up when everyone orders coffee apparently I'll order tea... see, just different! So I'm trying to be grateful and realize just how blessed I am to be me and no one else. Because there are things that I can do that one one else can do the way I do. (There will always be someone better than each and every one of us!) I just need to see the value and appreciate exactly where I am at in life right now, and appreciate the alone time while I have it. (Who knows, maybe that will change someday too?!?) 

See the beauty in each moment and throughout each day. Find a reason to be happy. Find a reason to smile. And believe you can achieve what you want to. Put your mind to it and put the effort into making it happen. Remember: half the work starts with just showing up.


Friday Yay-Day (Fri)

Thank goodness it's Friday. I feel like I've run a marathon this week. The week just never ends for whatever reason this week. Yes, you guessed it! I STILL HAVE A SORE THROAT AND EAR PAIN (in my right ear). I give in. I'm going to the doctor on Saturday. I'm not going to chance it getting worse. And I didn't go on Friday because I didn't want to take any chance of missing work.

More challenges for the day. It's not my fault, but there are issues that the trainer had to help with. Ended up doing (what I deem) a research project. Fingers crossed, moving forward, everything will improve after the emails that were sent in hopes to correct the day. 

The mood: focused! The attitudes around me: why; where's your high energy? When you're focused, it's called FOCUS for a reason!!! No time to laugh, play, have fun; just stay focused on the task at hand to properly complete everything. Still a long day. But everything got done before going home.

Do you have access to Serius XM radio? Pat Monahan from the band "Train" has his own show called "Train Trax" and I love listening to it every Friday. I think it's on from 10pm-11pm and then does a rerun from 1am-2am (something like that). Anway, if you get a chance to listen, he's funny. (kinda weird too) But he's good at what he does. He gets to select new music before it comes out. So he's choosing what he likes and shares with us before it even becomes a big deal. Most of the time he selects good music. The man knows talent and upcoming music... that's for sure! My favorites that I listened to this week were actually Train, Twenty-One Pilots, and Bastille. All had new songs I'm sure will be big hits with the public soon.

Snow falling. Cold night. Time for blankets and a great sleep! No alarm clocks for this weekend. Let what come... may. And cuddle time with the fur babies.


Exhaustion (Thurs)

I'm off! I just feel off. You ever have that where you aren't sad and you aren't happy... you're just mellow? Then everyone asks what's wrong and honestly nothing is wrong, you just feel off? Yea, that's the day. And it's probably because my throat hurts even more today and the right ear is starting to throb again. Everything that I've researched says if there is ear pain then it most likely is a bacterial infection. If that's the case, then I will HAVE to go to the doctor to get it healed. 

Just. Need. More. Sunlight. Then everything will be better...

Off to work. What a fun day. But apparently I made a few mistakes. :( I'm not going to count them as mistakes because I genuinely didn't know. And nothing was broken that can't be fixed. But I WILL do better next time. And I got a compliment from my trainer. MARK IT ON THE CALENDAR, I GOT A COMPLIMENT! It was so small. But you don't understand. This is a BIG DEAL. And it means a lot. So I'm taking it and running with it.

Rest of the night was fun. And I actually went to dinner with the guys. They all made me take dinner break with them. Oh. My. Goodness. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. They are so funny. I'm telling you, there is nothing better than working with guys and no drama! I love the atmosphere working with men. No nonsense, get the job done, and have a good time in the process while making a positive difference in the industry we work in- medical. 

And on that note, Nyquil actually worked. Nyquil again and off to bed.


ENT Pain (Wed)

Great! I woke up again with a sore throat and my right ear hurts. I don't wanna go to the doctor again. I also don't want to go 24 days being sick again. And I still don't have my health insurance card. What to do?!? No one is frustrated...

There was a massive accident on the highway. So for the first time in the new position I officially arrived late! :( Thank goodness my managers were cool about it. (Not my fault) but still, I don't like to be late.

Other than that working hard. Working well with my team (at least I think so). Guaranteed no mistakes again. Speed is slow, and I mean SLOWLY... improving. So things are on the upswing for my professional life. Let's not talk about the personal life yet. (no running/ no studying) 

Don't feel well. Nyquil and bed.


Back to It (Tue)

Well, I accomplished some small goals around the house. Example: washing dishes, washing a load of laundry, picking up the house, cleaning the cat box, shoveling snow. But what I really wanted to accomplish never happened. So here we are back to the beginning of the week doing my best. Yet somehow still feeling like I'm personally failing, Ugh! I really need to get it together.

Work went well. Week #2 by myself. And I know for a fact no mistakes were made. 


Monday, February 7, 2022

Beginning the week: Day Off- Yea!

Well, not everything goes the exact way that I hope for. Yet, I must make the best of each situation. I woke up and had breakfast. Had several LONG conversations today. It does help to stay connected with people. But it's also good to let go of emotions, let past hurts go, and remember to move forward. 

- Cat litter and trash cleaned. 

- Dishes washed.

- Dinner made.

- Writing accomplished.

- just a few more things to accomplish: fish tank to clean, exercise (10 min), shower, homework

After the conversations that were had today, I made dinner. Yes, I actually baked fish and green beans with a glass of peach whiskey. It was good. Finished binge-watching my Netflix show while writing and playing with the animals. And time to have a successful evening.

As my older guy friend said "it's 90% showing up to be successful" and that's what I'm trying to do; start accomplishing things one thing at a time. That, in itself, is the start of feeling accomplished. Maybe moving forward that's the key to success. 

Fight the exhaustion (possibly depression). Do something successful each day to have a positive attitude and hopeful personality. And prove to myself that accomplishing goals is honestly possible. There may be delays... but that doesn't mean we can't overcome the difficulties. 

Oh, and I had the conversation to choose no surgery moving forward early this afternoon. Just another thing I'll have to choose on my own. And that's ok too. 

2022 will still be a good year. It's proving to be challenging, but this I can do! Sometimes you just need a day off to get your head on straight. 

Household Tasks and Conversations (Sun)

 Woke up with some energy. My body doesn't feel like it's in so much pain. How the heck did I sleep so late again though? Days are being wasted...

Woke up 12:30pm(ish) and cleaned photos out of my phone because my phone is too slow and not properly working. Then there was the church meeting at 2pm; this group is inspiring. Learning more about the church and God and community is important. When asking the pastor my question at the end, she made mention lots of people are struggling with isolation and loneliness these days. 

It felt good to get out of the basement. The sun was shining bright. Left to go get medications and then dinner. Got the car washed and picked up an Avocado and Shrimp Salad. Shoveled snow. Then need to stay warm.

Had a few more good conversations in the evening with some girlfriends. In fact, I had conversations while shoveling the driveway (again). Driveway shoveled so the landlord can properly come home. And back to... you guessed it... "The Witcher." Dang it! I can't stop binge watching shows. It makes me happy! But at the same time I need to get my personal stuff done. 

My body and my brain are just exhausted these days. 

At least no work in the morning. (Granted, that's to get my personal life in order, hopefully.) 

Weekend Bliss (Sat)

Up at 4am (don't ask why) and thinking about different things, being goofy, and ready for bed. Descent sleep. Wake up before 12pm. Day is half lost. Can't seem to move. My body hurts so bad from what was accomplished the night before. Start watching "The Witcher" which is really good. Take a nap. Get a shower.

It's CELEBRATION DAY WITH MY MOM!!!! We are celebrating all the accomplishments for 2022: health, job security, health insurance, finances improving, having a good place to live while looking for a new home, going back to school to study (even though it's a slow start), and surviving my first week on second shift.

Finally, I get ready for dinner. Look pretty. Meet mom. And we go to a restaurant called "The Rock" on Big Fish Lake. I loved our cozy booth. The atmosphere was wonderful. It was nice getting out of the house and seeing my mom. Socialization is good. Food is delicious. And then we went back to her house to see their puppy. The puppy is growing like crazy. He's a happy little fella... just wish his name wasn't Buck; stupidest name ever and not fitting for a beautiful great day.

Got home and had a nice conversation with a friend. Watched more of the Netflix show. Off to bed. 

Just Finish the Day! (Fri)

What happened... Crazy dreams??? Why am I having regrets about losing people in life (not dieing, people walking away)? My emotions are raging and I'm feeling too much lately. I want it to stop. Am I tired? 

It must be exhaustion!!!

When I'm tired I can't turn off emotions or thoughts. I just need this day to be over. 

You guessed it! A meeting at 1pm on Friday. It feels like all that has been accomplished this week is merely working. My personal life goes by the wayside. 

Meeting ok. Taking Monday off to try and get refocused. And I just need to survive the day. 

Friday went. Worked over half day in Toolcrib and then worked over half day in Stocking room. The guys were kind on second shift to invite me to a Pot Luck for dinner. It turned out fun. And then back to work.

Home late. Exhausted. Bed. 

My poor animals... at least they get to cuddle.

Staying Focused (Thurs)

Woke up late. Thank goodness for easy driving into work.

Heeeyyyy! The team is back in full force; the three of us. Getting caught up felt great. Back to doing what I do best. Toolcrib first and then Stocking Room.

Sadly, everything in my personal life is falling apart. I'm not accomplishing anything. I'm exhausted. I'm frustrated. But hey, let's continue working.

Got to work and stayed focused. So focused I forgot about our Tier meeting (whoops). Accomplished everything that I needed too and then did a few trainings at night.

Another late night. Home. Good night. 

Hump Day (Wed)

Woke up 8am for a doctor's appointment. Thank goodness it was virtual. Interesting. Glad we met. Looking at possible surgery opportunities. We'll see what the future holds. Also, why are the animals' fur coats cold? Even Olaf is cold. That is weird??? Hmmm...

Time to officially get out of bed. Alright! My body hurts. My arms hurt. Lifting bar stock and blocks gets heavy over time. Time for work again!  

Working another long day. Working on fixing mistakes. Doing my best. Learning how to ship packages on my own- adding to the schedule I'm already comfortable with. 

It's cold and snowy. Let's get this day over with.

Finally get home only to realize the heat in the house has turned off. House is 58 degrees. Um... burr???? That might be why the animals were cold in the morning. So heat went out sometime between Tuesday and Wednesday morning. How the heck to fix? Long story short, figure it out. Fire on. 


... really hoping things get easier moving forward. (Just frustrated everything seems difficult and I'm feeling a bit isolated and lonely lately.)

Building Confidence (Tue)

Woke up tired and later than what I would have hoped, but onward to work. Before going to work, I must shovel the driveway. The snow is practically up to my knees. It took about 2 hours to shovel 75% of the driveway. Grab food, then a shower, and gotta fly outta here.

Meeting at 11:30am for new employees. It was a positive and interesting meeting.

And then it was time to complete day two on my own. I had a little more confidence. Apparently there were a few errors from the night before, but that's ok, because I can fix the errors and make things better. Slowly building speed. Slowly building confidence. Slowly understanding the job a little bit more. Note: I did have to miss bible study today; there was no time. I feel bad but I had to do what was best for the job. So it was still a long day, but I'm proud of the minor victories and accomplishments. 

Nerves (Mon)

 Wow! Apparently a week has passed since I last wrote. Sorry about the delay. But it doesn't mean I'm necessarily off track. There were just some unexpected delays. Things are still going to be ok though; there's still hope for success.

SNOW ON MONDAY!!! It's cold. Snow falls. This is one of the bigger snow storms that started Monday and is expected to continue through Thursday. I know the snow is bad, but if it continues, I'll shovel the driveway when the snowfall slows down just a bit. 

Monday was the first day I was on second shift all by myself. So nervous! I wanted to impress my team members while also doing a good job. I woke up. Had a meeting at 11am. And then went into work. Nerves took over my body. But at the end of the day, slow and steady, I survived my first day on my own.